
A Different Kind of Blog Today

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A few months ago, I was diagnosed with a degenerative, chronic disease.  I'm struggling with my new reality.  I keep thinking, there has got to be something to help me continue with my sewing.  Right now I am sewing very little and getting very little done.  All of that just makes me feel worse.

My brain tells me, JUST push through.  That is turning out to not actually work.  I am looking for any realistic tips on how to keep going when you feel defeated AND exhausted all the time.  Please, I will take all suggestions.  

Ilona Andrews Love



     I made Julie’s outfit from Blood Heir.  I know I should say Aurelia’s outfit, but she is Julie. 

     I loved Blood Heir just as I have always loved Julie ( and Derek, mmmmm Derek).  The best way I can think of to show my love is to make something.  I love all of the characters in all of the Ilona Andrews books, but I love some more than others. 

Seamwork Emma Sewalong Last Day

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Done Day!

Hey everyone, how are you coming along? I finished this morning. I hand sewed the lining in, hemmed, and I put the eyelets on. I LOVE it!!! Here’s what I really love - when I offered to group sew this dress I hadn’t even looked at the pattern. Once I looked at the pattern, I though “meh”. Holy Crap was I wrong. This dress is amazing! I ended up using all thrifted fabric, and when I tried to get a picture of the flaw in the brown fabric, You can’t even see it. lol.

Seamwork Emma Sewalong Day 4

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Skirt and more

So the skirt went together just fine. I ran into trouble attaching the skirt to the bodice, and I didn’t line up my seams correctly, so double check that before you sew. I pulled the seam out and did it again. One side is off, but not enough to make me do it again.

I found it tricky to not get any puckers here on the front and the back.


Seamwork Emma Sewalong Day 3!

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Emma Group Sew - Burrito

This morning I tackled the sleeves. My best advice it to watch the burrito video. I have sewn many burritos, and I always watch the video. Here’s mine pinned/clipped.

I had a problem here as my fabric is too think (cotton and linen). So I couldn’t actually pull it through. I tried for a long time, and I finally gave up. I popped a bunch of the seam so there was enough room for it to turn right side out. Since I did that, I had to top stitch to close the armhole.

Seamwork Emma Sewalong 2

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Hey Everyone!  Welcome to Day 2 of the sewalong.


Eyelet Panels through Neckline

Grab your Eyelet Panel and sew the top closed right side to right side.  Then clip the corners and turn it right side out.


I like to make sure everything is where it is supposed to be, and I am doing things correctly.  I used chalk to mark my D piece in case I got confused.

Then it is time to put the Eyelet on to Piece D.  This is my outside piece.

Seamwork Emma Sewalong 1

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A few weeks ago, I did a group sew over on the Seamwork Community.  I figured it would be good to put here too.  I intially did not want to make Emma.  Someone posted that they wanted a sewalong, and I volunteered to do a group sew.  I hadn't even looked at the pattern before I volunteered.  Yikes.  Then I though Oh Well - Let's Go.  Just so you  know, it turned out beautifully.  I love it.


Anti - Doom Scrolling Part 1

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I am a Doom Scroller at the worst of times.  Before bed, while not wanting to do something else, when I am already mad!  I hate it, and I know I'm doing it.  So here is my fix.  I'm going to put a few sewing articles on this page.  If you are tempted to Doom Scroll, stop here and read some articles about sewing, making, or music.  I will try to keep them as current as I can.  This is not about tutorials - this is just articles.


I Have 4 Fat Quarters

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I Have 4 Fat Quarters

and I made a lunch bag



I used the tutorial from Pink Penguin.  You can find it here.  There are some things I wish I would have done different.  I used Decovil Light on the outer.  I should have used SF 101 and Insul-fleece.  I did sew some Insul-fleece into the bottom, but...



I also made some poor design choices, but meh, I used 4 of my fat quarters.  I made this in a day.  I could have been faster, but I have a cold and I am way slowed down.



I Have 3 Fat Quarters

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I Have 3 Fat Quarters


This one took me awhile.  I thought about it ALOT, and I think I did something good.  I made a Tool Belt by half-ass following this tutorial by Littlestuff.  


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