"Broken Pieces" quilt top is complete!

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The top of the “Broken Pieces” quilt is complete.  I hung it up on the wall where the paper version used to be to take the photo.  It’s pretty cool.  When I was just about finished, I realized I didn’t have any backing fabric.  Crud!  I ordered some at the end of last week and put the quilt top aside.  I hope to begin quilting it by the end of this week.

                I went ahead and ordered the fabric for summer quilt #2, and yesterday, I started designing and doing the math for that one.  While I wait for all this fabric to arrive, I hope to get the paper version of #2 taped up on the wall.  It’s quite a bit different than the “Broken Pieces” quilt, and the design process will probably be slow.  I’m thinking I will need two walls to work it all out as well.

                Another thing I’m working on while I wait for the fabric, is making greeting cards.  I use boxes – like cereal or pasta or granola bar boxes – whatever we have around for the paper side of the card.  The cards don’t open; they just flip over.  One side is the cardboard and the other is the fabric side.  So far I’ve used all kinds of scraps for the fabric side.  Making them out of different textures is cool too.  I don’t have photos of those ones yet.  The pictures are of the 7” cards I’ve been making.  I sewed short words on a few, but I am not an embroiderer, so it’s awkward for me.  I think I will make some blank ones.  They are very simple designs.  I have tried to stay true to the 7” measurements, but it’s fabric, so they are not exact.


               I am working on setting up a store.  Check back in a week or so.  I hope to have it open by then.






I will be sewing later today, and I plan on listening to Larry and His FlaskDying Scene has been posting about them as they are on tour and someone stole their van and ALL their gear, merch, and personal belongings.  Sucks.  Check their website for updates and if you want to take a listen here’s a video: 



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