Vogue 8561 - Marcy Tilton

When we talk about making our stash, we usually mean using our fabric stash. BUT, I have a stash of patterns too. Many, many patterns that have never been cut. I go through my patterns ever few months to see what's there and what I want to make. I pulled out Vogue 8561 - Marcy Tilton awhile back. I originally bought the pattern for the skirt, but I decided to make the pants first (by the way, the copyright says 2009).
Now, generally speaking, I love Vogue Patterns, however they never work for me. I hate making them. Hate making them. I think the first time I failed was when I was a teenager in the 1980's, and the last time I failed was a few years ago...using vintage fabric. It's no wonder why I have been sitting on this pattern.
After looking at the back, I saw it called for Tropical Wool fabric. I assumed that the people at Vogue were messing with me as the words Tropical and Wool do not go together, but I called my mom, and she assured me that Tropical Wool was indeed an actual type of fabric. I searched online for a long time and really only found one fabric at fabric.com, so I bought it. I washed it even though everything said not to and put it in a bag with the pattern. A few weeks later, I cut it out (size 12) and put it back in the bag. It took me another few weeks until I finally decided I needed to just get it done. I knew it wouldn't work out and that I would just be wasting my time, but I needed to get it over with. Last week, I set out to make the pants
Shockingly, everything went along just fine. I also started watching The Last Kingdom on Netflix and got hooked, so I wanted to be sewing every night so I could watch. Stupid head lopping show hooking me in. Gah!
Once I got all the way to the side seams, I held the pants up and they looked...tiny. Already defeated, I took them and some Wonderclips to the bedroom to try the pants on. Better to stop now than keep going just for a pair of tiny pants. I put them on and clipped the side seams, and they fit! I couldn't believe it. I continued with the sewing. The waistband even went well.
No, I don't slip stitch. Screw that.
I am never quite sure how to do the waistband at the back zipper, so I just folded it and tried my best...AND it came out great! What the heck!?
I finally made a mistake on one of the cuffs. I pulled the seam out, repositioned it, and it all worked out. For real. I can't decide if it's me or Vogue or Marcy Tilton, but this pattern rocked. I can barely believe after 30 years, I finally found success with a Vogue Pattern.
This pattern is out of print, but if you find it, get it.
Other things I have been working on:
Bonnaroo Skirt by George and Ginger Patterns. I got the fabric at Hart's Fabric.
And I made 2 Minikins Zeppelin Pouches from Sew Sweetness out of some of my stash fabric.
Up next is the Metamorphic Dress from Sew Liberated for the Summer Dressalong
Then Suki by Helen's Closet for Sew My Style 2018
I also need to make the June Bag of The Month.
I am currently reading City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty. So far, it's wonderful.
I just got my advanced reader copy of The Gilded King by Josie Jaffrey!
Here is the book trailer for The Gilded King:
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