October with Jack

My goal for October was to make the Jack Quilt by Laura Heine. I succeeded only beacuse I had a couple of snow days in October. After creating the Featherweight Quilt , I thought this one would be fairly easy. It was actually pretty challenging for me. I expected to put in a lot of time, but I wasn't quite prepared for it being as complicated as I felt it was. The crows went together fine, but I really struggled with the corn stalks. At the end of the project, IT WAS WORTH IT!
Overall, October was a good month. I got to see Frank Turner for the first time. Kayleigh Goldsworthy opened which was fantastic. And because of her, I am leaning towards making a boiler suit. I first was eyeing the Jean-Paul by Ready to Sew, but Phyllis is pretty great too. Anyone made either of those?
Back to Frank Turner. We were in seats which was really difficult. We didn't all stand until the last few songs. I appreciated the storytelling aspect of the show. He played most of what I wanted to hear from Tales From No Man's Land. He didn't play Mata Hari, but that's really the only one he didn't play that I was hoping to hear. It was a night that cleared alot of crap from my head. Often, I feel like I spend so much time in places I tolerate, but I don't belong in. That night - I was comfortable. I felt so light the next day. It was amazing. We didn't get home until nearly 1am but, again, WORTH IT!
Last night, I got back at the sewing machine and made a small clutch. This is the Isabella Clutch by Pink Door Fabrics.
Isabella was simple and fast. I cut it out a few weeks ago, but I put it together last night in a little more than an hour.
Up next? Emmie by Seamwork, and I'll be making some gifts for the holidays.
I spent a bit of time with making the November 2019 Sewing Playlist. It's long, but I've got lots of sewing planned this month, so I think it's ok. In the future, I'm going to try to limit the playlists to 90 minutes just like the old mixtapes I used to make.
Suggestions for songs or bands?
I am currently making my way through The Chicagoland Vampire Series by Chloe Neill. I'm going to take a break from it when I am done with Biting Cold, so I can start the Highlander Series by Karen Marie Moning AND I have the new Jane Yellowrock in my possession, so I'll start that soon as well.
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