I Have Problems with Purchasing Fabric

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This is a photo of our chicken Fat Quarter.  She's kicking off the "I Have" series.



I have problems.

I have too much fabric.

I especially have too many fat quarters (they are actually scattered all over the house).

 I often have little control when it comes to purchasing fabric.

I have to make a change.

Today begins the I Have series.


I have often surfed the net looking for things to do with my fat quarters.  Rarely do I actual make the things I find.  Most often it's because everyone seems to make pretty things that aren't useful to me.  Also, there are times when I have groups of fat quarters, but all I can find are quilts to make (which is great, but I am buried in quilts right now).


For the challenge, I am going to work my way through projects based on how many fat quarters I need for a project.  Today I will use one fat quarter.  Then next week 2, then 3, and so on until I get bored?  My goal is to use mostly tutorials I find online and make things that will actually get used.


I have friends and family that I often give gifts to. The first project is a gift bag with a super cute button.




Here is the tutorial I used.  I mostly followed it.  It took very little time to put together.  I think you could easily change the size to make a smaller or larger bag.  However, this one took ONE fat quarter.  When thinking about this challenge I was hoping to find stuff that just needed fabric.  That is not very practicable.  I used a fat quarter, SF101, cute button, and a small piece of yarn.  

Scraps - No

Tears - No

Blood - No

Confusion - 3 (on a scale of 1-10)

I only got confused on the last step.  I sewed it 2 different ways, but what she intended, I really don't know.


Next, I made Bookends.  I have to say they aren't that useful, as I have so many books that every shelf is stuffed full.  Now, I need to reorganize, so I can use them.




I used ONE fat quarter and I have scraps that will need to be cut into pieces to be useful.



I filled the bookends with ground walnut shells.  



I used this tutorial.  It was straight forward.   All I needed was the fat quarter, and something to put inside the bookends.  I think you could use rice too.

Scraps - Yes

Tears - No

Blood - No

Confusion - 0

Mess - Yes (holding the funnel and putting the walnut shells in made me spill all over).



So there's day 1. 

I Have One Fat Quarter.


What am I reading?

Listening to - "Woman of Light" by Kali Fajardo-Anstine - Denver fiction!

Electronically reading - Sorrow's Song by Keri Arthur - escapism

Paper reading - Only A Monster by Vanessa Len - I've been reading this one SO long.  It's good; I'm just dragging my feet.


The July 2022 Sewing Playlist is up.  Find it here.

I will leave you with the Avett Brothers today. "Ain't No Man"




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