Draggin' and Scrambled

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   I got behind on everything.  On top of that, I can feel my soul being sucked away each day I don't get to use my sewing machine.  

   When I was working on the design for the Digger quilt during the summer, I decided to mail a letter to Hopeless Records.  I asked if they could help me get in touch with the guys in Digger so I could procure some used shoelaces of theirs.  I got a response, swapped some e-mails and got some of Chris Benner's shoelaces.  They came in the mail - seems like just a couple of days ago - like 2 weeks ago.  I am seriously all out of whack.  


   While I waited for the shoelaces, I went back to the design I started in summer.  I had my husband take some photographs for perspective, and I designed some fabric.  Seriously.

   I took some photos of my old flyers, uploaded them into Canva and did my best.  Here's another link.  I ordered some fat quarters.  I am currently waiting for Spoonflower to print the fabric, and I am hoping that it will be usable.  I went through so much fabric and so many stores to get things just right for the "UnderThe Sun" quilt.  I am nervous that this is not going to work out quite right.  I have been running ideas in my head for how to salvage the fabric if I screwed up the design.  I'll find out if it works for me in about 2 weeks.

   In the mean time, I will be cutting out paper squares again.  The Digger design goes back and forth from a 60" x 60" quilt to the "Broken Pieces" quilt size.  I think the final decision for size will have to wait until the flyer fabric comes in.  That part has to be right before anything else can be right.

   When this quilt is done, I will put it up on ebay and auction it off for charity.  Check out the cool stuff that Sub City does here.  

   The "Broken Pieces" quilt just came to me, and I needed  to make it.  I wasn't sure that would happen again but soon after the "Under The Sun" quilt idea arrived in my head and this Digger idea came too.  The bad thing about the Digger idea is that it floats.  I've drawn it a couple of times, but it never feels completly right.  That's why we took pictures.  The idea for the shoelaces came really early - that and texture have been in my head all along ( I bought some coduroy yesterday).  I just can't quite grab ahold of the thing as a whole.

   I think once I start taping to the wall, I will feel better.

   Originally I wanted to upcycle the whole quilt, but that is not going to happen.  I got pretty excited about the flyer fabric so only some of this quilt will be upcycled.  That's ok.  It's going to be pretty amazing no matter what.



   Last weekend, I finished my record jacket.  It's not as warm as I would like, but it's big enough to fit over everything, and it's beautiful.

   I am going to make some holiday cards to put up in the store.  Any suggestions on what would be cool?  

   Again, I have been a mess about listening to music.  We added the soundtrack to Nightmare Before Christmas to the iPod, so my little girls could listen to it in the car.  Other than that, I have been pretty stagnant again.  I did, however, listen to the newest episode of the Sideonedummy Storytellers podcast.  Here's some good ol' Oingo Boingo because it's on my mind.  





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