"Wichita Skyline"

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So we got back from Wichita over a week ago, and I was pretty motivated to get to work on the quilt right away, but I was not feeling well FOR SO LONG after we got back.  Yuck.  The quilt is due to the fair next week, and I am not even halfway through the quilting.  The quilt top is all applique.  Originally, I was going to piece it all.  I'm very happy that I changed my mind.  I think the truck is the most important thing, and I am super happy with how it came out.  That was not going to happen if I pieced it.


When this quilt popped into my head all those years ago, I started taking photos of Wichita.  I honestly did not remember that there even was a skyline, so I needed photos.  But then I decided I was probably not ever going to make the quilt, and I did not transfer the photos to any electronic storage device that I can currently access.  I took a few photos when we were there a few weeks ago.  I got everyone obsessed with certain buildings, and the more I look at the quilt...I just don't know.  I think that's how it always is though.  I am in the weird place of creation right now.

I seriously think I nailed the color of this building.


I remember listening to "Wichita Skyline" while driving in to Wichita on one of our trips.  I was trying to see the skyline from where we were and then tell my husband what to take a picture of as I was driving.  It didn't work out so well.  I was tempted for awhile to use the grain elevators as the skyline.


At the time, I think the sadness of the song stayed with me the most, but when I drew it, I was focused on the truck and being drunk.  Listening to it now, I could have gone a few different directions than the one I ran with.  I kinda wish I would have figured out the fireworks.  I have mixed the song with my experiences.  I included The Wind.  Seriously.  The Wind is crazy in Kansas.  I put in trees.  The city often feels very green to me.  I wanted the sky to be super blue, and it is, but the more I listen to the song; the darker it is.  I haven't quilted the sky yet, but I have chosen a dark grey to quilt the blue sky with.  We used to see the fields of sunflowers on the way, but I haven't noticed them in recent years.  They are mixed in with the wheat on the quilt.  A few spots in the quilt are meant to fray.  I will wash it before the fair.  Hopefully, it will fray the way I want it to.


When I was 14, my favorite band was ALL (and Social Distortion); it was 1987.  Honestly, I think ALL continues to be my favorite band.  So much of my teens and early 20's were spent listening to ALL and going to see them play.  I have seen them play more than any other band.  I remember when Chad Price joined the band.  I remember thinking (for half a second) how was the new singer going to go?  And then? His voice just flowed into my everyday life.   So much so, I named my oldest daughter after a song he wrote.


I didn't pick up a Drag The River CD until a few years ago (who knows, actually.  Time is so weird as an adult).  One of these days, I'll see them play.  I hope the quilt conveys the emotions that I feel when I listen to "Wichita Skyline".  I'm glad to get it out of my head.  It feels good as a tangibile thing.  This one is important.  




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