Bags and Bags
I made some bags in hopes of stoking my confidence before starting the Digger quilt in ernest. The above photo is of today's bag. It's a little on the heavy side. The pattern I used called for silk, and I used flannel. It's pretty cool though.
I haven't washed it yet, so you can still see my chalk lines where I marked the pockets.
The bag from a few weeks ago did not turn out as well. I think I'll make another and see if I can get it right. It was pretty defeating.
That's it! Right behind the Christmas cards in progress. I didn't take pictures because ...really, it's not pretty, and it should be.
On another note, I made a bunch of Christmas/holiday cards. They are awesome. I tried to make them out of scraps, but I also went and got some pretty green and red flannel. The flannel ones are my favorite. All of the flannel ones are up at Chain Reaction Records for sale. I put a few up in my Etsy shop too (not flannel). I will put them up in this shop when I get a chance.
I finally listened to the Anxious and Angry Podcast #1. They're up to 35 or so now. I'm so behind!
Here's my song for the day: Corinne Bailey Rae
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