31 Days... Things I learned
I learned that this challenge was too much for me. I feel like a total failure. BUT it's ok! If you remember, I got a free copy of Zach Anner's book If At Birth You Don't Succeed, I finished reading it yesterday, and I put up a review on Goodreads. Free books are cool. Writing for the public everyday, not so much.
Once I wasn't sewing every night, I really didn't have anything good to say. Instead, I went back to work on the long post I have planned for January 1st. That feels good.
I learned also that I can go to work everyday, sew each night, and write before bed, but it was only satisfying for a week or so.
I read some cool blogs written by people who were also trying to do the challenge. That was cool.
I am ready to get back to sewing. Next week, I'll get back to all of those unfinished projects I talked about on December 1st.
Make sure you stop by after the new year to check out what I have planned for 2016!
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